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WTF is Lucky Girl Syndrome


The 2023 mantra for the girlies is to embrace our inner Lucky Girl. So if you haven’t heard of LGS, I’m here to tell you everything about it.

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20 February 2023

Every time I log onto Tik Tok, I’m overtaken by Lucky Girl Syndrome.

For the last two years, all trends created have been initiated on Tik Tok. This latest trend is a mindset shift and encourages people to practise positive affirmations in believing that they are the luckiest person in the world.

LGS refers to the belief that you are the luckiest girl in the world, and therefore the universe is always working in your favour. In a way, it’s a subset of the law of assumption; a theory by Neville Goddart which maintains that what we assume to be true is our reality; and will come true. What LGS hones in on is that if you believe good things happen for you, things just tend to go your way more often. If you want to get the gist a bit more, here's a compilation of some tik toks.

When this theory started taking over, I saw a lot of articles from the likes of magazines like Harper’s Bazaar and Washington Post noting that it was promoting toxic positivity and the Gen z mindset of being delusional is unreasonable. Those articles contended that life isn’t always fair and that it doesn’t allow you to acknowledge negative feelings. People are critiquing it saying that a positive mindset won’t help you pay your mortgage or get a promotion.

While those points have some merit, I think LGS does far more good than harm for a number of reasons.

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While LGS may be taking over everywhere, I urge you to look at it more with a positive growth mindset instead of toxic positivity.

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Firstly, theories and trends like this have existed over CENTURIES. Neville Goddard’s theory was coined in the 1940s. “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne about the law of attraction was in 2006. The boomers even had “The Power of Positive Thinking” from Norman Vincent Peale. Positive thinking has been something that many successful people swear by. A positive mindset can help you take actions to improve your life, even if it doesn’t just pay off your mortgage. A big thing for me is that if you don’t ask, you may not get. Be that with a pay rise, or a promotion, or new opportunities. If you don’t shoot your shot, you’ll never know whether that could have happened. What’s the worst that could happen? Someone says no.

Believing that the odds are in your favour in a scenario instead of constantly against you also just makes you radiate confidence in my opinion. People are attracted to an energy that is confident. Whilst I’m not convincing you to put on a facade, or a brave face when that’s not the case, believing that you are worth something will outwardly reflect on your actions.

I haven’t actively been saying “I’m the luckiest girl in the world” every day, but when learning about this trend, I did realise there’s a lot of this that I already do. I already believe that I’m lucky and things work out the way that they are meant for me. I am one of those people that people think are lucky in general; my friends always tend to say things like “of course that would happen to you!” I could list a number of things in my life that have happened that seem like they’re out of a movie… Why? I’m a generally positive fucking person. Whilst I acknowledge that life isn’t always fair, and that obviously you should acknowledge negative feelings, I’m a big believer that mulling and grovelling gets you nowhere. Wallowing in sorrow prohibits you from seeing the lesson at hand, and I truly believe that one door closed means another door opened so by holding on to negativity you’re blocking your own blessings.

So while LGS may be taking over everywhere, I urge you to look at it more with a positive growth mindset. Take things with a grain of salt, and see them as a lesson and that it contributes to your overall growth. Bad things can happen, and it is what it is, but believing that things work for you instead of against you will help you grow from a positive perspective.

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