I tried Reiki: a Japanese Energy Healing Practice
Mahi K
On my journey of spiritual awareness, one of the things that I tried recently is Reiki.

4 October 2022
I don’t know what’s in the air right now, but I genuinely feel like everyone is on the wellness train at the moment.
This last year has been an unprecedented year for me in terms of my spiritual journey. I’ve found extreme growth in terms of self awareness, acknowledging my intentions and actions, processing my emotions and utilising that to better myself. A natural consequence of this journey is that I’ve been very receptive to trying new things that Mahi a year ago may not have been, and with an open mind.
One of the things that I tried recently is Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. It’s administered by a Reiki practitioner through them laying their hands across your body from head to toe. This distribution is called the “Reiki energy” and is distributed across all of the Chakras in your body. Whilst Chakras have been reintroduced in the new-age wave of spirituality, Chakras are an ancient Hindu concept found in texts of Indian spirituality dating way back (like 1000 BC). There are 7 Chakras, each relating to different things:
1. Root Chakra - located in the base of the spine represents physical identity, stability and grounding. Blockages here may manifest in the form of severe anxiety.
2. Sacral Chakra - located above the pubic bone and represents sexuality and creativity. Blockages here can make you feel uninspired and may physically manifest in lower back pain.
3. Solar plexus - Located in the stomach area and associated with willpower, self-esteem and self-confidence. Blockages here can be associated with digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn and acid reflux.
4. Heart Chakra - Located in the centre of the chest and focused on unconditional love and compassion. This chakra is the most blocked as a lot of things you encounter in your day to day affects your heart. Things like overextending yourself, people pleasing, break ups. Issues here can result in feeling lonely and insecure.
5. Throat Chakra - Located in the throat, this chakra governs your ability to communicate and express your truth. Blockages here can result in things like sore throats.
6. Third eye chakra - Located between the eyes, this chakra is associated with your inner knowing and intuition, and ability to see things. Blockages here are associated with those who have trouble understanding the reality of a situation or those who are at odds with their intuition and may manifest in concentration problems or headaches.
7. Crown Chakra - Located at the top of the head, this chakra governs your awareness, intelligence and overall enlightenment. It is linked to every other chakra and our alignment with our life’s purpose, so it affects every organ. Blockages here can manifest in being an inherently negative or a stubborn person.
Although I was feeling relatively well-aligned and probably in the happiest space I’ve ever been in my life, I decided that this concept was interesting to me and that I’d be interested in trying it out. It was particularly alluring to me to see what Chakras may have blockages given I was feeling so in tune with myself.
I decided to have a session with Sian Duggan at Marama Crystals in her Grey Lynn studio.

Sian is a qualified Reiki Healer and a certified member of Reiki NZ Inc. When I asked her what exactly the Reiki energy would do and what I should expect, she noted that “it helps to clear any stagnant energy in the body” and that whilst the experience is quite different/unique to each person who receives it, it guides you to a path of “relaxation and stress relief”. As the point of it is to clear energy which is dense or negative, it clears your energy flow and recycles the energy in each Chakra which brings you to optimal health. Sian said that in her practice she’s had clients who are more relaxed afterwards, who leave feeling more connected with their higher/spiritual selves, who leave feeling absolutely drained and in need of rest, feeling more at ease and some people who have now acknowledged/dealt with things that they hadn’t yet processed.
Before our session commenced, she said “Reiki is your permission slip to relax and heal energetically” as it allows you to sit and be still and ultimately gives you the opportunity to love yourself. This is an opportunity that busy people really struggle to give themselves. This particularly resonated with me as my very nature is a person who’s constantly hopping from one place to another and am probably the exact personification of a busybody, so an allocated time to relax and process something felt like a privilege.
"Reiki is your permission slip to relax and heal energetically"
Going into the session, I had no idea what to expect or how I would feel. Interestingly, I did feel energy pulsating as Sian administered the Reiki over particular chakras. What really stood out to me though was some colours and words that popped into my head as the Reiki was administered. The session’s process was to cover all chakras, but spend time on those which intuitively call out to her as the practitioner. We then sat down for a debrief session and at the end, she typically gives out a crystal representing the chakra which she felt the most aligned with.

During our debrief session, Sian told me about some intuitive messages she’d received whilst hovering over my Heart chakra and my Sacral chakra, which were both shocking (especially due to their accuracy!). In particular, she noted that my sacral chakra felt extremely creative and powerful, and that I was harnessing a lot of strong and confident feminine energy at present (which, if you’ve been reading my travel diaries, would know is 100% my vibe right now). Similarly, she’d acknowledged some emotions which my heart chakra was holding on to from over 5-6 years ago that I’d perhaps not acknowledged and just brushed past, which was unfathomable to me that she’d even picked up on that when I’d neglected it and forgotten. The session ended with Sian giving me TWO crystals (got a bonus crystal, score!) to harness the energy in each of those two chakras. A green aventurine for the heart, and a Carnelian (my favourite crystal!) for the sacral chakra.
All in all, although an unconventional method that may cause some to raise an eyebrow, I found this to be an extremely positive and beneficial experience and was brought to tears by the emotional depth of our debrief session. I left feeling very drained and ready for a good sleep, yet feeling even more aligned and intune with myself than when I had arrived. This experience was incontestably constructive and productive to my self growth, and I would urge anyone on a similar path of self discovery to try it out with an open mind and heart.

If you’re interested in trying out a Reiki session, here are some practitioners in Auckland who offer it:
1. Sian at Marama Crystals
2. Love by Olivia - Olivia Scott
3. Emily Jensen - Naturopath Reiki Healing Auckland
4. Usui Reiki - Soul Magnolia Usui Reiki, Gabriela Johnson (soulmagnolia.com)
5. Mother Well Holistic Health Reiki
6. Heal with Sophia Reiki Energy Healer


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