Let’s Talk About Male Contraception
Unloading the gun works better than a bulletproof vest.

1 MAY - 2023
Alright ladies, let's talk about male contraception. Or should I say, the lack thereof?
I mean, let's be real here. Women have been shouldering the burden of contraception for far too long. We have to deal with pills, patches, injections, IUDs, condoms, and don't even get me started on the side effects.
So why the fuck aren't men taking more responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies? I mean, yeah sure, condoms exist. But let's face it, they aren't always reliable and can seriously ruin the mood. Plus, it's not like they're the only option out there. Women have a whole range of contraceptives available to them, so why can't men step up and take on some of that responsibility too?

Why is it that male contraception hasn't advanced beyond the condom?
Well, there are a few reasons. One of them is the lack of research and funding. But another big reason is that society still views contraception as a woman's responsibility. It's like we're expected to keep our legs closed and our uteruses under control, while men can just go around having mindless sex without worrying about the consequences. We've been hearing about male contraceptives that are "just around the corner" for what feels like DECADES now. But as I’ve gone down a bit of a research rabbit hole, it turns out they’re actually getting pretty damn close.
There are a bunch of different types of male contraceptives currently in development, from hormonal injections to non-hormonal gels to reversible vasectomies. And while none of them are quite ready for prime time just yet, the fact that they're even being researched is a huge step forward.
But here's the thing: male contraception isn't just about preventing unwanted pregnancies. It's also about giving men more control over their own bodies and their own lives. Think about it, how many times have you had to go through the rigmarole of getting a prescription for the pill, or going to the doctor to get an IUD inserted? It's a lot of hassle, and it puts all the responsibility on us. But if men had their own reliable contraceptive options, they could take control of their own reproductive health and not have to rely on us to do all the heavy lifting.
Of course, there are some men out there who are resistant to the idea of male contraception. They think it's emasculating, or they're worried about the side effects, or they just can't be bothered to take the time to go to the doctor. And to those men, I say: tough shit.
And for those men who are worried about the side effects or the inconvenience, well, welcome to our world.

In my case, I’m in a long-term relationship and for the entirety of our relationship, I’ve had an IUD. Me and my IUD have had a rough history – shitty side effects, lots of bleeding, continual stress checks, and yes, I’m over it. While being very expressive of my pains and qualms with the device and my continual begging of the boyf to consider being brave and tying the knot on his tubes, it has been unsuccessful.
The reality is, men have been getting off scot-free when it comes to contraception for far too long. It's time for them to step up and take some responsibility. And for those men who are worried about the side effects or the inconvenience, well, welcome to our world. Women have been dealing with this shit for decades. If we can put up with it, then you can too.
Now, I know there are some of you out there who might be thinking, "well, why should we even bother with male contraception? We already have so many options available to us". And yeah, that's true. But here's the thing: male contraception isn't just about giving men more options. It's about levelling the playing field.

Think about all the ways in which women are disadvantaged in society. We earn less money than men. We're underrepresented in positions of power, and we're more likely to be victims of sexual assault or domestic violence. And a lot of that comes down to the fact that we're the ones who get pregnant.
If men had reliable contraceptive options, it would fundamentally change the power dynamic between us. We wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant, and that would give us more freedom to pursue our careers and our passions. Take one minute to imagine your life if you never had to go through your contraception journey.
So listen up fellas, it's about damn time we start pulling our weight in the contraception game. Women have been carrying the load for way too long, and it's not right. It's not just that we need more research and funding for male contraception. It's that society has put all the responsibility on women's shoulders.
In good news, male contraception is finally getting some attention, and it's a game-changer. Not only will it stop unplanned pregnancies, but it'll give us more control over our own bodies and lives. It's time to even the playing field and shift the power dynamic.


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